Episode 76: Stork Provides Deep Insight to Wham-o History

Tyler and Dan Roddick

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  1. Episode 76 with Stork was completely fascinating!
    I agree that perhaps this is not a spectator activity. To me, it’s an art form. Pure & not so simple.
    It needs re-thinking
    I must say, in the day, it seemed as if Stork was somewhat of an adversary.
    But deep down, he’s a player first. And hearing him describe his efforts to protect what we had, and convince these guys that the sport was the way to go once the market had been saturated, fills me with so much gratitude for the gifts he rendered on all our collective behalf.

  2. The only thing wrong with that Stork-cast was that it was too short. We could also use at least two podcasts a month with just Stork stories. (Storkies?)

  3. Old Wham-O Frisbee stories are great. The reason the WFC Rose Bowl drew a big crowd was that it was new and the venue was pretty spectacular THE ROSE BOWL! Everyone had tried playing Frisbee and just about everyone had heard stories about what people were doing with the Frisbee and wanted to see it for themselves, well everyone has seen it. The spectators now are mostly made up of players and ex-players and their families. There are lots of things needed to make a spectator sport, hometown pride, rivalries, good-looking athletes in uniforms, etc. Sports is as much about theater as it is a competition and until there is better coverage, it will pretty much stay the same. This year watching the WUCC it was the first time I saw a big change in how ultimate has been covered. The camera work was professional, ESPN, the instant replays left no unanswered questions and the announcers were extremely knowledgeable about all the players, not as smooth as ball sports announcers but it was a real improvement. I don’t know how camera people know how to find and follow the individual players on the field to create the game moments while the game is being played, but it was happening in this tournament. They seemed to know who was going to stand out and be the heroes of the day and they were mostly right and the announcers were able to build on it and tell their stories. It was the first time I’ve seen the type of coverage that could create a fan base of non-players.

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