Inverted Nail delay


Here I describe how to do an inverted nail delay. The inverted hand position is where you twist your wrist so that your palm and elbow are facing up. This arm position is considered a restriction in freestyle frisbee because it reduces the movement of you elbow.

So, to get center delay control when in this position, you must move your whole body to follow the disc while keeping your arm and hand locked in place.

With clock spin, the natural rotation of the disc will cause it to turn into your wrist so you must be quick to move and keep it in the center.

On your right hand, with clock spin the disc will fall and rotate under your arm pit. It’s easy to allow this to turn into a with-the-spin crank. Don’t let it. Force the disc back to the center by rotating your body.

Once you’ve mastered this delay position, try setting it or taking it under your leg while in this position. It’s a double restriction!

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