Going Against the Spin


In this video I explain what an against the spin move is, and then describe how to do one of the easiest against the spin moves, the skid. To understand an against the spin move, it helps to have a little background.

Interestingly, a spinning disc on a nail delay (center or rim) will naturally gyrate in the same direction as the disc is spinning. Consequently, the easiest manner in which to manipulate the disc is to make movements that follow this spin pattern. For example, a with the spin crank on the rim is a fairly good move to learn early on since the disc will naturally move in the direction of the crank.

It is possible to force the disc to gyrate against its natural direction. This is the crux of an against the spin move. It’s nail delay trick where the disc is forced against its spin. Since it requires such precision, many consider an against the spin move to be a restriction by itself.

The skid is one of the more basic against the spin moves that uses the rim delay. To practice a skid, throw yourself a steep backhand. For counter, throw left and skid right, for clock throw right and skid left. Throw it at about shoulder height, so the disc is about 45 degrees to the ground and to your body, with the top of the disc in view. Now, invert the skidding hand. Reach around and hook the rim with your nail. Meet the disc so your nail travels almost the same speed as the disc is falling so as to apply very little pressure. Now, swing your arm down and back up behind your back. As you swing back up, accelerate your arm speed and turn your body towards the disc. It will pop out from behind your back on the opposite side of your skid hand.

Stay tuned for more tutorials on against the spin tricks. If there are any in particular you’d like to know more about, let me know in the comments below. Also, you can see all other tutorials on again the spin here.

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