How to Catch a Phlaud

Ryan Young does an excellent job breaking down the body mechanics of catching a phlaud. A phlaud is one of the more difficult catches in Freestyle Frisbee. Like a gitis, it is a cross body catch where one arm reaches around the opposite leg. But, while a gitis is like an under the leg or a flamingo, a phlaud is like a chair in that the both feet are planted and the catch is behind both legs. Another subtlety of a proper phlaud is the extension of the opposite arm. Watch the video for a breakdown of how it’s done.

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  1. Somtimes I am catching the phlaud with the head at the same side where I am catching to have a better focus. Is the head position part of the phlaud definition?

    • I think head position is part of the definition. I polled the 3 other jammers who happen to be in the room with me now and there’s a 50/50 split. Certainly head position changes the difficulty level. It’s a blind catch if you are looking around your body, while not if you are looking on the same side as your hand. I’d be very curious to hear other people’s opinions.

    • Traditionally Phlaud is caught blind. This would require the head to look around the opposite side of the legs as the catch. However, this is freestyle and both would mostly likely pass as a Phlaud, but learning to catch it blind will help in the long run. At higher levels of competition, catching a blind Phlaud should result in a higher score than a non-blind Phlaud.

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