Episode 51: Dexter Struz Talks About Giving Competition Formats Some Sizzle

Dexter catches a Chair

Photo by Ken Shults

  • As both a Footbag and a Freestyle organizer, Dexter shares his thoughts on competition formats and how they are perceived by an audience.
  • He thinks there’s a more exciting way to promote Freestyle and attract sponsors. Some of the ways include location, judging, and prize money.
  • Dexter, Jake, and Randy toss around some ideas about judging and making competitions more audience friendly.
  • Jake and Randy define what they mean when they use the phrase “audience friendly” which simply put, for them, is about taking something they love doing and sharing it.
  • Stay tuned to learn more about becoming a FrisbeeGuru Patron…
  • How do you fuel your tank before you play? 
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