Catching Multiple Discs

If you can do tricks with one disc, imagine all the tricks you can do with two or three or ten. Paul Kenny explores the world of multi-disc tricks and gives away a few of his secrets in this video. Mainly, how he is able to catch so many discs in one hand.

The secret lies in transfer. The disc is caught between the fingers and the thumb. Then it is moved and helded between two fingers, leaving the thumb ready to catch another one.

I believe Paul’s record is 9 (Paul, please correct me). How many can you catch in one hand?

Blueberry Pancake to a Goat Hair

In this video, I show off two newly invented moves. First is the blueberry pancake. This is a catch that mixes the gitis, figure four, and pancake into one. One leg is extended above the disc. One arm reaches around the leg in a gitis like position while the other reaches in a figure four position. The disc is trapped on the palms or fingers on the outer rim. Don’t grab it, just hold the trap. Now you are bouncing around on one leg. The goat hair is a throw from this position. Throw the disc in a manner similar to a two handed throw expect that the hand in the gitis position has to provide extra momentum to send the disc to your partner. The best way to understand is to watch the video. 

The Outer Rim Delay

Paul Kenny explains the Outer Rim Delay.

In this trick, you nail delay the disc on the outside of the rim. The only more difficult nail move I can imagine is a rim delay on the top lip of the disc. Anyhow, the wind can be a key factor so be sure to face the wind before you start. Then give yourself a ton of spin. Rim delay the disc so the nose is up into the wind. With your other hand put three fingers together so the finger in the center is slightly lower than the other two. Now place your nails against the outer rim. The disc should ride in the grove created by your fingers. Try to balance it there and chase after it if it begins to fall. Note that your nails will be between 6 and 7 for clock or 6 and 5 for counter.

Once you feel comfortable with this, try landing the outer rim delay from an airbrush or off of an skid or other restricted angled set. If you can pull that off you will be one of maybe five people in the world who can, and that deserves a 10 on anyones judging sheet.

By the way, does anyone know if this move has a more official name?

Digitronic Skid

Here I demonstrate the digitronic skid, sometimes called the “skididge”.

With clock spin, start by getting the disc on a center, invert delay on your left hand. Then, let it tip to the rim. As the disc drags toward your wrist twist your upper body and shoulder to the right. As you reach your twisting limit kick you right leg up. As you leg reaches its max height, push your arm left to propell the disc under your lifted leg. Aim towards your calf or ankle. Often, my wrist or lower for arm will run into my knee. This should send the disc under your leg with enough force to reach a partner. Or, in a good wind the disc will go out and come back to you for another restricted, against reception.

This move is both an against the spin rim shoot and a digitronic (cross body, inverted hand) maneuver.

Alien Birth Ritual

Matt Gauthier demonstrates how to do the Alien Birth Ritual. This move has become legend because it has an awesome name and because very few people can do it. In fact, very few people can even describe it.

It starts with a birth. However, you pivot on the “birthing leg” to extend the against the spin pull. Then you set it up and immediately pull a juice.

It took Matt two tries to do it for the video…hence the cut.

Inverted Nail delay


Here I describe how to do an inverted nail delay. The inverted hand position is where you twist your wrist so that your palm and elbow are facing up. This arm position is considered a restriction in freestyle frisbee because it reduces the movement of you elbow.

So, to get center delay control when in this position, you must move your whole body to follow the disc while keeping your arm and hand locked in place.

With clock spin, the natural rotation of the disc will cause it to turn into your wrist so you must be quick to move and keep it in the center.

On your right hand, with clock spin the disc will fall and rotate under your arm pit. It’s easy to allow this to turn into a with-the-spin crank. Don’t let it. Force the disc back to the center by rotating your body.

Once you’ve mastered this delay position, try setting it or taking it under your leg while in this position. It’s a double restriction!

Invert Backside 50 50 Body Roll

Matt Gauthier explains the Invert Backside 50 50 body roll.

“50 50” comes from the fact the its uses only 1 arm, or only 50% of what a normal body roll would use. It’s “invert” because the trick is started with your back facing the wind. And it’s “backside” because it goes behind your head, like a back roll.

This trick is one of the more advanced body rolls. I can hardly describe it so watch to video to see how it’s done.

Invert Front Side 50/50 Roll

Matt Gauthier explains the invert front side 50/50 roll. This an advanced, and very technical trick.

With clockwise, the disc rolls up the right arm to the shoulder. Then the body is repositioned so the disc can continue to roll back down the right arm.

And, of course it’s all on the left arm with counter spin.

To start, face the wind. Turn your right shoulder towards the wind. Toss the disc on a steep roll angle. Move your right arm to your left with your palm facing up. Allow the disc to contact your palm and then roll up your arm towards your shoulder. As the disc reaches your shoulder, pivot your arm to your right and allow the disc to roll back down your right arm to your right hand.