City vs City 2019 – New York vs Berlin: Finals Replay

Full write up in progress…enjoy!!

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  1. That was just thrilling until the last combo was finished. Thx to the Teams all around FrisbeeGuru and in the competing Cities who are making a competition format like this possible. Great job!
    Aren’t there more Cities, warming up to show their skills? Prag, Karlsruhe, Roma, San Francisco… can’t wait to see all of them.

  2. A very intriguing finals. NY really showed their stuff in the rounds they won. The pairs competition was the highlight. Two incredible performances. That was a very difficult choice. It seemed Berlin had their indie combos figured out in advance. NY pulled defeat out of the jaws of victory.
    This was a great idea, and especially this round, came off very professionally, and quite dramatic. Great job everyone.
    Congratulations Berlin!
    Well deserved

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